Pilot is in the driver’s seat.

Recently Pilot left his puppy raiser Jillian, who raised Pilot for the first 8 months of his life. She taught him the fundamentals of how to be a service dog. Pilot will continue his training with Elle, who is the person that Pilot will be working for. Elle is a young nursing student who struggles with mental health challenges as well as several physical health challenges.

On Monday this week, Elle went to the dentist and these were her words, “Pilot came with me to the dentist today. Oh boy, he was such a good boy! I hate the dentist so when I got upset and anxious because of the needles he was right there for lots of kisses and pets”

Your donation has rebuilt another life and YOU get to watch the magical journey. Thank you!

Published by jacquelinegori

Artist and Photographer, charity founder

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